Your source for Accessory Dwelling Unit information

Accessory Dwellings and You – The Online Course

: : Coming Soon : : 

You have been hearing all about Accessory Dwelling Units. They’ve been in the news. Maybe your neighbors have built one. Maybe you have one that was built in your house without a permit.

  • But what are they, really?
  • What benefits do they provide?
  • How expensive are they to build?
  • Can you really built one on your property?’s ADUs and YOU, an online course that will answer all those questions and more!

Imagine the changes that could happen if you had a second dwelling on your property.

  • Your parents could move closer and still maintain their independence.
  • You could have a rental income that will help boost your bottom line.
  • Invest in your future.

Take the’s ADUs and YOU online course.

This online class answers all those questions and more. The class is lead by David Locicero, a California architect who specializes in Accessory Dwelling Units. He guides you through the ins and outs of the issues around and design of accessory dwellings in this online course.

You get:

  • 20 videos with over 2 hours of content.
  • Bonus #1: Transcripts of each video in PDF format.
  • Bonus #2: A course mindmap
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You can take the class at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

See all of our disclaimers, our privacy policy, and other Terms and Conditions before you purchase. 

Normally $197, this course will be offered for a limited time only for only $97. Take advantage of this special launch price. This is a great value, but it won’t last long.